“Erectile dysfunction is treated as easily as a cold. But we were told to keep quiet about it.” Dr. Phill Oculi gave a frank interview and told how to solve erection problems once and for all.
Phill Oculi - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor, Head of the Medgrad Medical Center.
“My friend wasted a lot of money because of drugstore myths. Therefore, I must talk about what is not spoken aloud. ”
I have to bring up this delicate topic. Every day I receive hundreds of letters from men with the question "How to return the stone potency?". People write to me out of desperation. For which nothing helps. And how many of those who silently take Viagra and are embarrassed to consult a doctor with this question? And the worst thing is that some people see salvation in Viagra…. Until the potency disappears completely and a cancerous tumor the size of a tennis ball does not grow in the prostate.
I have a friend who confessed to me that he had REAL SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH POTENTITY ONLY AFTER USING VIAGRA FOR SOME TIME. And he still hasn't recovered! As a doctor, this didn't surprise me. Too many citizens of our country (and not only ours) bought into the false promises of advertisers!
Most men, again, unfortunately, still do not know that Viagra destroys the male body! Therefore, I decided to tell all men how to quickly and safely restore erectile function, even if you are over 55 years old. Without chemistry, without operations and without going to the doctor.
Look at me: at 62, I have sex every day, and in the morning I lift the covers with a persistent erection. Do you still know this feeling? Think about it: erectile dysfunction occurs in 63% of men over 45 years of age. And the older we get, the higher the chance of becoming an IMPOTENT. But this is not a sentence if a person did not manage to destroy his organs with Viagra and other drugs containing sildenafil and its derivatives.
The situation is shocking! Without exaggeration. People will soon fly to Mars, and in pharmacies, only 30-year-old drugs for potency still prevail. Viagra, Sildenafil, Cialis, Tadafail, Impaza and other useless drugs are sold under the guise of drugs for treatment. The irony is that they only exacerbate erectile dysfunction, kill the adrenal gland2s and literally corrode the heart artery. They also cause prostate cancer!
Yes, they increase potency, but only for a while, while the active substance acts in the blood (and until you become addicted to Viagra). They increase the potency itself due to abnormal expansion of blood vessels, from which the walls of blood vessels become thinner and torn. Small vessels and the lower parts of the heart are especially affected. For such an increase, a man literally pays with his health.
Hypertension, a diseased liver, kidneys, dead blood vessels, and even death from cardiac arrest are just a small list of the consequences of taking sildenafil and its derivatives. Namely, these substances are the main ones in the vast majority of drugs for erection.
But there is an important thing to say. The development of drugs did not stop there. Today, there are quite effective ways to restore natural potency, which will ALLOW you to get rid of impotence once and for all! THAT IS TOTALLY CURE IMPOTENCE! They are not sold in pharmacies, but they are!
“A stone erection can be at any age!”
I will tell you about one way to restore potency. It was developed by American urologists.
Back in 2015, after a careful and thorough study of the dangerous consequences of taking sildenafil, the US Department of Pharmacology was horrified at how much this “opportunity to have sex” costs society. The research results were published in the American Medical Newspaper. Anyone who wants to can see them.
After that, the necessary funds were allocated to create some kind of safe analogue of Viagra. But scientists have gone further and created a drug that not only provides potency, but also treats erectile dysfunction. That is, it has not only an instant effect (immediately after taking it enhances erection), but also a prolonged one - with a course of administration, it completely restores sexual function and increases libido.
That is, after taking the drug, which was called Xenoprost Active, the natural potency is restored, which appears when aroused by itself without taking any additional chemicals! With the help of Xenoprost Active, even men in their 70s can have full sex. Of course, not as often as young people, but 1-2 times a week is more than realistic.
Xenoprost Active has successfully passed clinical trials and even in an instant increase in erection after taking it showed even greater efficiency than Viagra. At the same time, unlike Viagra, this drug is completely natural and not only not harmful, but also useful for men.
With each intake of Viagra, a man destroys his health, with each intake of Xenoprost Active, he restores it! Since Xenoprost Active improves the functioning of the prostate gland2, heart, small capillary vascular network in the pelvic area, nerve endings, and even the excitation center in the brain. Xenoprost Active contains about 60 different active ingredients that work together.
I will briefly list the main actions of Xenoprost Active so that you understand the difference with Viagra.
Benefits of Xenoprost Active:
- Increases erection immediately after taking
- Restores natural potency
- Improves the gland2ular tissue of the prostate (prevents the development of prostatitis and prostate adenoma)
- Increases the quantity and quality of sperm
- Unfreezes the nerve endings responsible for sexual arousal (due to increased transmission of nerve impulses)
- Enhances libido
- Restores blood vessels
- Removes inflammation in the pelvic organs
- Enhances testosterone production
- And others
See how many? What does Viagra do? Viagra has only one beneficial effect - increased erection. Which it carries out due to the abnormal expansion of blood vessels (which causes them an irreparable effect). I have already spoken about this above.
“It's terrible, but Xenoprost Active is not sold in Ugandan pharmacies, not because this drug does not help well, but because it helps too well! That is the opposite! This is such an inhuman policy among Ugandan pharmacists!”
You won't be able to buy Xenoprost Active in any pharmacy! Why? Because the Ugandan pharmaceutical industry is still one of the most corrupt in the world. In our pharmacies, they sell not what helps well and safely, but what brings more money to pharmacists and pharmacists.
Viagra enhances potency temporarily, and therefore the need for it in men is constant. Xenoprost Active restores NATURAL POTENTITY after a course, and therefore the need for constant purchase of stimulants is completely eliminated. At the same time, the cost of Xenoprost Active is much lower than the cost of Viagra! Xenoprost Active is an income killer for those who make money from the production and sale of aphrodisiacs!
Interesting fact:
A unique feature of the Xenoprost Active. The fact that the older you are, the better the effect can be achieved.
How and what does Xenoprost Active do in the body?
Xenoprost Active eliminates the root cause of impotence. I'll tell you how it happens. I'll try to be simple and clear.
See how an erection occurs in a man on a physical level? 2 large vessels enter the penis. Blood enters through one vessel (this vessel is called the dorsal artery), and it is discharged through the other (dorsal vein). The penis itself consists of cavernous bodies and resembles an ordinary sponge.
Both vessels have valves that stop the flow of blood. When a man sees a beautiful woman and receives a signal of arousal, the valve in the dorsal artery opens and the valve in the dorsal vein closes. Accordingly, blood enters the penis and an erection appears.
When the excitation signal disappears, everything happens exactly the opposite. The valve in the dorsal vein opens, the valve in the dorsal artery closes. Blood leaks from the penis, it falls off.
The main problem that leads to a weakening of potency is related to the poor functioning of the valve in the dorsal vein. He begins to hold the blood pressure poorly (as a result, the erection becomes sluggish), and then stops holding it completely (a person develops impotence).
What does Viagra do? It abnormally dilates the dorsal artery so that with a poorly held valve in the dorsal vein, more blood enters the penis than leaves. As a result, the man gets an erection. At the same time, as I have already said, serious damage is done to the vessels, and the valve itself in the dorsal vein becomes even weaker. That is, we get only a temporary effect and a huge harm to health.
Xenoprost Active does not stretch blood vessels. And strengthens the valves themselves! Xenoprost Active contains a special substance called alpha-phylloquinone. In fact, this is a rare form of vitamin K. This substance is able to strengthen smooth muscle molecules, which leads to the restoration of normal potency.
An erection in men occurs as a result of the alternate opening and closing of the valves of the dorsal vessels. Xenoprost Active at the physical level strengthens the valves, which leads to the return of a healthy potency.
When I talk about this to patients, I am often asked the same question - will the valves loosen again?
Fortunately, muscle weakening is a long process. And this means that Xenoprost Active is able to return a stone erection and the ability to have sex for many years to come.
And now I’ll tell you about the most important thing - where you can get Xenoprost Active. After all, as he said, it is not sold in pharmacies because of the greed of pharmacists.
The secret way to order Xenoprost Active at the lowest price
I will tell you the secret of how you can order Xenoprost Active in Uganda at the lowest prices.
Now the American Institute of Urology distributes Xenoprost Active independently in the territories of African countries via the Internet. At the same time, since the drug is sold by the manufacturer himself, the price for it is minimal. In fact, a whole pack of Xenoprost Active can be bought for the price of 2 Viagra tablets.
If you don't mind, I will share with the readers a way to apply for Xenoprost Active at the lowest price.
To get Xenoprost Active you need:
- Leave an application for receipt in a special form, which can be found on specialized sites (look for the order form at the bottom of the article - editorial note)
- After that, a consultant will call you back within 10 minutes. He will need to confirm the order.
- After 2-3 days, you will need to receive and pay for the parcel. Xenoprost Active is shipped in non-transparent, anonymous packaging. Even the courier will not know what is in the parcel.
Just like that, thanks to the Internet today you can get the most modern drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The only thing I want to warn you is that, unfortunately, a small batch of Xenoprost Active has been allocated for Uganda, which is quickly sold out. Therefore, to everyone who would like to say goodbye to impotence and restore sexual function up to 70-80 years, I would recommend leaving an application as early as possible. As soon as you leave a request, Xenoprost Active will be reserved for you.
Attention! Especially for our readers, we place a direct online application form for Xenoprost Active. Your application will be sent directly to the Institute of Urology.
Attention! Xenoprost Active is coming to an end!
Currently in stock:
To order Xenoprost Active, click on the "Spin" кнопка below the placed reel with discounts. Employees of the Institute, together with the manufacturer Xenoprost Active, have prepared additional discounts for the drug. Depending on which discount you get, you will be able to order Xenoprost Active from that discount. You can spin the drum only once!
Booked for you Xenoprost Active. You have 10 minutes to apply.
The cost of the drug for you will be - 169 000UGX